

  • 品牌建设和监控年度销售目标
  • 跟进销售目标
  • 具有10-15年内地营销经验
  • 与内地珠宝经销商建立合作伙伴关系
  • 于内地具有良好媒体关系,以便开发中国市场
  • 流利普通话和英语
  • 有上进心,能够独立工作
  • 具有强大的销售动力及良好的人际关系、沟通和表达能力




  • 中国市场开拓新销售部门及使其有效运作
  • 客户与公司之间的直接联系点
  • 亲自为管理人员服务,充分了解我们的珠宝产品
  • 成为我们公司的销售大使
  • 精通普通话和英语
  • 在高级珠宝行业拥有 8-10 年的销售经验
  • 拥有中国贵宾联系人名单
  • 实现公司目标及方向




邮寄:香港中环皇后大道中58-62号振邦大厦208室Grandeur International Limited (致:人力资源部)

查询:+ 852 3596 7259 潘小姐



Position: Sales and Marketing Director

Job Descriptions:

  • Brand Building and Monitor Annual Sales Goal
  • Track the Sales Target
  • Establish Partnership with Jewellery Distributors in Mainland
  • Qualified with 10-15 years Marketing Experience
  • Track Record for developing China market with good media relations
  • Speaks Fluent Mandarin and English.
  • Self-motivated and able to work independently with strong sales drive
  • Good interpersonal, communication and presentation skills


Position: Sales & Marketing Manager

Job Descriptions:

  • Effective operation of the new sales unit developing China market
  • Direct contact point between customers and the company
  • Serve managers in person with perfect knowledge of our jewellery products
  • Being a sales ambassador of our company
  • Fluent in Mandarin and English
  • With 8-10 years sales experience in high jewellery industry
  • Owns a reasonable list of China VIP contacts personally
  • Achieve company's goals and uphold the company's high standard of professional and compliance excellence


How to apply?

By e-mail: info@moochacha.world

By mail: The Human Resources Department, Grandeur International Limited, Room 208, Peter Building, 58-62 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong

Enquiry: + 852 3596 7259 Ms Bobo Pan